
you must do a good job of defense when entering the gym, wear a mask throughout, if it is difficult, it is recommended to walk to an open, less crowded place, take off the mask for a short time, drink water, breathe the outside air, remember to remember to wear a mask when there are many people, keep a distance, use the equipment to disinfect, the above are some of the defense steps to go to the gym training.

the bench press in particular will always be the most trained piece of equipment. While the bench press certainly gives you the opportunity to build pecs like schwarzenegger, many fitness enthusiasts fail to realise that the bench press is not as simple as lying on a bench, unloading the barbell and pushing it from low to high.
In order to engage the pecs correctly and powerfully, correct body position, range of motion and technique must be strictly adhered to. When you don't do this in the correct position, your chest will not develop the shape and mass you want. Find out which mistakes to avoid so that you get the best out of your pecs and yet avoid injury.

1. Not having both feet on the floor
this one is also more controversial. There are also many fitness professionals who use the method of keeping their feet off the floor to achieve good results, and there are some weightlifters who believe that lifting their feet can be a more effective exercise for the chest than placing them on the floor. While this technique does have its uses, it is best for the general fitness population to maintain a stable base during the bench press so that most of the 'nerve drive' can be focused on replenishing the pectoral fibres.
Note: Many bench press injuries are caused by not having both feet on the floor and pushing the barbell up for long enough to crush yourself, so do your bench press with both feet on the floor and keep them there.

2, too focused on the single limit weight
many trainers in the gym care too much about the weight of the bench press. Too many are concerned with their single rep limit weight, rather than the 7-12 reps on the bench press, which is the weight where muscle growth is most easily stimulated. Unless you are a weightlifter or powerlifting enthusiast, don't spend your strength on the single rep limit bench press every time, concentrate on building muscle, you are a fitness enthusiast, what do you need? Be clear yourself first, if it's health or bodybuilding, you don't need to go towards extreme strength every time.

3. Using the barbell to rebound
this bad habit is the most incredible, not only is it injury prone it doesn't do any good, i don't understand why anyone thinks it's wise to let the barbell bounce off the chest. Even though this pushes up more weight, it's clear that they are using momentum, not muscle strength, to complete the bench press. Furthermore, this practice simply deprives them of the training benefits of a potential bench press, while greatly increasing the chances of serious injury.

4. Uncoordinated trunk position
incorrect torso position: The most important aspect of training the pectoral muscles is the correct positioning of the torso from the beginning to the end of each set. In order to force the chest to do the majority of the work for each workout
you must do
1. Keep your chest up
2. Have a slight arch in the lower part of the back
3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together
4. Sink your shoulders and lean on the bench

5. Using the wrong grip
to maximise chest engagement during the bench press, it is best to space your hands shoulder-width apart or wider than your shoulders.
Use a tight grip to avoid the barbell slipping and hitting you!

6. Wrong rhythm of movement
if you want to get the deepest pump on the bench press, you must control the movement of the barbell at all times. I suggest you keep the barbell down to 3-4 seconds, contract at the top for 1 second and then explosively push the barbell to the top. Concentrate before the workout and focus on doing each set well.

7. You are not using the full range of motion
unless there is a special training method (some fitness professionals take advantage of the half-range effect), we generally recommend using the full range of motion for the bench press. Doing a half-range movement is as bad a mistake as popping the barbell up off your chest.
Lower the barbell to full extension (for most people this means the barbell gently touching the chest or a little above it) to fire every muscle fibre, then push the barbell straight up to where the elbow block is to be locked, while consciously squeezing the pecs to gain a sense of contraction.

the bench press is not something that can be practiced overnight, after all, the most practiced equipment in the gym is the bench press, there are not many people who can really get this movement right, they are corrected from a little mistake, you can take these problems with you and practice carefully before the next training session, there will be good gains!